Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse
Midnight Tides by Kate Rebecca Leach @Essoldo Design

I became more observant of the moon and its phases after Jake, our eldest son was born. As a toddler, he loved to be taken for a nighttime walk to spot the moon before bed. He's been obsessed by natural phenomena ever since.

Yesterday's total solar eclipse took me right back to that memory of watching his pure delight when he spotted it up there in the sky.
Memory is a funny thing and when I look back on life, it’s often the moments of crisis that stand out way more than the happy-go-lucky ease of the everyday. Maybe that’s why I’m suddenly feeling compelled to try to capture those everyday conversations and moments that make life more meaningful without being earth-shattering.
So this week, I'm sharing 3 simple things that make me as happy as a toddler spotting the moon.

1. Following a creative pursuit

Whether it's painting a beautiful watercolour like the one above, learning to write better stories, starting a podcast, following a new recipe, playing an instrument or even, heaven forbid, singing (I'll keep working on that in the shower where it can't cause anyone any actual harm) nothing makes me happier than closing the gap between where I am today and where I want to be.

The way time stands still when I'm in flow. The sense of achievement when I reach a small milestone that closes the artistic gap (or crevasse when it comes to singing) is pure joy.

  1. Acts of Simple Kindness

Pay someone a compliment and watch their face light up in a smile. Send someone an unexpected message and tell them something nice. Bake a cake and take it over to friend's house. Buy soup and a sandwich for the guy who is sitting outside Pret. And then just notice where you feel it.

  1. Exercise

The old ones are the best. Bailey, our retriever lives in a perpetual state of happiness. He's either out for a walk, anticipating the possibility of a walk, eating or asleep. Doing whatever you love to move your body, including horizontal jogging, makes you happier. More so, when you don't feel like it. There's even science to prove it.

So I'd love to know, what you do to make yourself happier?

With love,

PS If you are interested in starting a podcast, my friend Steve Heatherington is one of the best podcast coaches I know and he's just started the lastest round of The Podcasting Workshop They kicked off yesterday, but it's not too late to join. There's always time. My Dad is in this latest cohort and he's turning a big number this year.

So proud of him.